Taxi rates

Winter season

Rates to all areas of St Anton am Arlberg

All prices are in EURO and include VAT.

St AntonCenter1014
St AntonNasserein1318
St AntonJakob bis Kirche1418
St AntonGsör1619
St AntonGand1821
St AntonUntergand1821
CenterCrazy Kangaroo1618

Rates from center St Anton am Arlberg to:

All prices are in EURO and include VAT.

St AntonBludenz95
St AntonDalaas78
St AntonFerwall25
St AntonFlirsch39
St AntonFlirsch Berg45
St AntonGaltür130
St AntonHangar19
St AntonIschgl115
St AntonKappl90
St AntonKlösterle75
St AntonLandeck70
St AntonLangen73
St AntonLech73
St AntonZug-Oberlech83
St AntonStubenbach83
St AntonPettneu30
St AntonReith – Pettneu32
St AntonPians54
St AntonRauz38
St AntonSchnann35
St AntonSee70
St AntonSt Christoph30
St AntonStrengen45
St AntonStrengen Berg50
St AntonStuben60
St AntonUlmerhütte30
St AntonWald75
St AntonZams75
St AntonZürs60

From St Anton am Arlberg to:

All prices are in EURO and include VAT.

St AntonBregenz230
St AntonFeldkirck180
St AntonInnsbruck215
St AntonImst105
St AntonÖtztal Bahnhof139
St AntonSchruns137
St AntonSölden230

Airport transfer

All prices are in EURO and include VAT.

FROM:TO:1 – 3 People4 – 8 People
St AntonAirport Zürichon requeston request
St AntonAirport Innsbruckon requeston request
St AntonAirport Friedrichshafenon requeston request
St AntonAirport Munichon requeston request
St AntonAirport Salzburgon requeston request

Abroad cities

All prices are in EURO and include VAT.

FROM:TO:1 – 3 People
St AntonAltenrheinon request
St AntonBuchson request
St AntonDavoson request
St AntonFriedrichshafenon request
St AntonMemmingenon request
St AntonMunichon request
St AntonSalzburgon request
St AntonSarganson request
St AntonSt. Moritzon request
St AntonVaduzon request
St AntonZürich Cityon request

Taxi rates summer season

St Anton – Prices, Tariff – Summer Season

Zentrum:  9 €    11 €
Arlbergtunnel – Mautstelle 16 € 20 €
Mooserkreuz, Stadle, Gastig, Oberdorf 9 € 11 €
Bludenz 70 € 95 €
Dengert 9 € 11 €
Dalaas 60 € 80 €
Moos 11 € 15 €
Ferwall 16 € 20 €
Nasserein, St. Jakob bis Rafalt 9 € 13 €
Flirsch 30 € 35 €
St. Jakob ab Rafalt bis Kirche St. Jakob 10 € 14 €
Flirsch Berg 35 € 40 €
Ab Kirche St. Jakob bis Untergand 12 € 15 €
Galtür 99 € 130 €
Hangar 15 € 22 €
Ischgl 95 € 125 €

BERGFAHRTEN – HÜTTEN 1-4 pers. 5-8 pers.
Kappl 70 € 95 €
Ebene 25 € 35 €
Klösterle 55 € 75 €
Ferwall Gasthaus 16 € 20 €
Landeck 52 € 65 €
Gampen 45 € 55 €
Langen 50 € 65 €
Kartellboden – Stausee 65 € 75 €
LECH 50 € 65 €
Konstanzer Hütte 59 € 69 €
Lech – Zug, Oberlech 55 € 70 €
Putzenalm 55 € 65 €
Lech – Stubenbach 60 € 75 €
Rendlalm 45 € 55 €
PETTNEU 20 € 25 €
Rodelhütte 25 € 35 €
Pettneu – Reit 22 € 27 €
Rossfallalpe 50 € 60 €
Pians 45 € 58 €
Salzhütte 25 € 30 €
Rauz 25 € 29 €
Schön Ferwall bis Abzweigung Sibertal 70 € 80 €
Schnann 25 € 30 €
Sennhütte 12 € 16 €
See 60 € 85 €
Tritschalpe 45 € 55 €
ST. CHRISTOPH 20 € 25 €

From and to St Christoph + 10€

Strengen 35 € 46 €
Strengen Berg 40 € 50 €
Stuben 45 € 55 €
Ganatschalm 58 € 68 €
Ulmerhütte Materialseilbahn 25 € 29 €
Lavenar 30 € 40 €
Wald 55 € 75 €
Malfonalm 55 € 65 €
Zams 55 € 70 €
Nessleralm 40 € 50 € Zürs 45 € 60 €
Ab und nach St. Christoph + 10€
Warth 60 € 70 €
Steeg 70 € 80 €
Kaisers 85 € 95 €
Fares apply in both directions and include 10% VAT
Subject to changes